1 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:14,880 The rise of a major civilization,such as that of the United States, 2 00:00:15,350 --> 00:00:22,900 around 50million peaceful individuals,at the most conservative estimates,met ghastly death 3 00:00:23,450 --> 00:00:30,350 By contrast,the rise of Islamic civilization involved battles that resulted in the deaths of around 3,000 people, 4 00:00:30,700 --> 00:00:35,580 at the highest estimates,and all of them were military personnel. 5 00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:39,370 Does Islamic History Mean Islam? 6 00:00:40,300 --> 00:00:46,400 When civilizations are compared,we find people often compare the United States with the former Soviet Union, 7 00:00:46,600 --> 00:00:51,750 or China with Japan,or the Old Persian Empire with the Byzantine Empire. 8 00:00:52,300 --> 00:00:54,850 But what do they compare Islam with? 9 00:00:55,150 --> 00:01:02,200 They simply compare it to a perceived Utopia that has no presence except in their own imagination . 10 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:08,150 Two points need to be borne in mind when we consider the relationship between Islam as a faith 11 00:01:08,200 --> 00:01:11,800 and Islamic history as the product of human action. 12 00:01:12,380 --> 00:01:17,340 The first is that when we compare Islamic history with the history of other civilizations, 13 00:01:17,800 --> 00:01:23,780 we are bound to conclude that the history of Islam shows to be in the lead of human progress 14 00:01:24,100 --> 00:01:28,700 and the least aggressive towards other nations and communities. 15 00:01:29,250 --> 00:01:36,000 Here is a link to a study prepared by Naveed S.Sheikh of the University of Louisville in the United States: 16 00:01:36,250 --> 00:01:43,720 The study asks:which religions and civilizations caused the killing of the largest number of human beings? 17 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:47,450 It then gives the following answer 18 00:01:55,300 --> 00:02:00,650 Secondly,Islam is a well preserved religion that lays down clear principles which, 19 00:02:00,700 --> 00:02:04,700 when followed,bring happiness to individuals and communities. 20 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:08,000 When these are abandoned,all will suffer. 21 00:02:08,200 --> 00:02:14,480 Islamic history represents this truism in both parts,not only the first. 22 00:02:15,050 --> 00:02:20,350 Deviation in various forms occurred in different stages of the history of the Muslim community, 23 00:02:20,780 --> 00:02:25,580 but Islam is the first to denounce such deviation in all forms. 24 00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:31,150 In this we find Islam at variance with distorted religions and man-made creeds 25 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:34,270 that condone ill behaviour by their followers, 26 00:02:34,700 --> 00:02:38,430 and are always ready to bless it with false justification. 27 00:02:39,400 --> 00:02:43,700 To cite deviations that occurred in different periods of Islamic history 28 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:47,630 as evidence of the non- workability of the Islamic system 29 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:52,590 is the same as claiming that all rules of architecture are false 30 00:02:52,700 --> 00:02:58,550 on the basis of the collapse of a building constructed by an unqualified architect. 31 00:02:59,350 --> 00:03:04,780 The Prophet (peace be upon him)addressed his army as it prepared to march,saying: 32 00:03:05,500 --> 00:03:11,500 People,I urge you to observe ten rules and keep them in mind: 33 00:03:11,800 --> 00:03:21,250 Do not commitany treason;do not take what does not belong to you;do not cheat. 34 00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:24,500 You must not disfigure anyone’s body, 35 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:29,200 or kill a child,a woman or an elderly person. 36 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:36,260 You must not destroy or burn any date tree,or cut any fruit tree. 37 00:03:36,700 --> 00:03:41,750 Do not slaughter a sheep or a camel except for food. 38 00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:50,450 You shall pass by people who live in hermitages where they concentrate on worship.Leave them alone 39 00:03:51,800 --> 00:03:58,900  Bearing these clear rules in mind,suppose that a Muslim soldier kills a child or a  woman during a battle 40 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:04,650 can we blame the one who issued these orders simply because they were unheeded? 41 00:04:05,100 --> 00:04:12,430 We note that there is a continuous effort that seeks to pick up individual cases from the history of the Islamic civilization 42 00:04:12,700 --> 00:04:17,100 during its period of strength and try to distort its image, 43 00:04:17,650 --> 00:04:22,670 yet it remains the purest major civilization the world has known. 44 00:04:23,650 --> 00:04:32,050 I wonder:is this an attempt to justify today’s atrocities against Muslims at their time of weakness? 45 00:04:33,130 --> 00:04:35,720 I leave the answer to you. 46 00:04:33,130 --> 00:04:35,130